机械车间在金属加工业中起着重要的作用. This is where metal parts are cut to different sizes and tailored for specific end use applications. 这些商店最终为工业加工金属零件, 比如飞机和汽车工业.
机械师 use various types of equipment for cutting raw materials into specified shapes and sizes. 下面是一些使用的机器:
在金属上钻孔和钻孔. 钻孔和切割金属是许多工作场所发生眼睛伤害的活动.
同时有机器防护装置来保护工人, 在许多危险中,个人防护装备仍然是必不可少的. 上述所有设备都将佩戴者的眼睛置于危险之中. 飞扬的瓦砾残片, 金属碎片, metal projectiles and particles are real concerns for those working around machines. 除了, workers cleaning these machines put their eyes and hands into direct contact with harsh splashing chemicals. 说到手部受伤, 许多伤害发生在工人在机械车间搬运尖锐金属的时候. 我们将在下面更深入地讨论所有机械车间的危险. Before going into the hazards though, let us closely examine the workers that make up this industry.
In 2017, 美国劳工统计局(BLS)报告称,这一数字超过370,在美国工作的机械师总数为1000人. These workers use hand machine tools to fabricate or make modifications to metal, plastics or wood. When you look only at 机器商店, there are a little over 84,000 machinists across the US. 以下是这个行业的其他从业者:
组装成品,连同零部件. 有超过1个.全美有800万人从事装配和制造工作. 你会发现这个工人正在组装螺栓, 使用许多不同类型的工具, 搬运重的部件. 在机械车间里大约有12000名这样的工人.
Operate machines that saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal. 大约有5700人在机械车间工作. You will find these workers aligning metal parts and grinding out burrs or sharp edges. 这使得防割手套成为这名工人的首要任务. 这个职位常见的职位名称是模具师, 媒体运营商, 机器设置和操作员, 冲床操作员.
操作研磨工具去除多余的金属材料或毛刺. 大约有1400名这种职业的人在机械车间工作. You will find these workers sharpening edges and corners, along with polishing metal. Common Job titles for this position are Deburrer, Finisher, Grinder, and Grinding Operator.
检查机加工,制造或组装的零件. 大约有9400名这样的工人在机械车间工作. Common Job titles for this position are Quality Technician, Inspector, and Picker / Pacer.
Worker activities include repairing, installing, and adjusting industrial machinery. 有这么多的机器在运行,这个职业应该不足为奇. 在机械车间里大约有2900名这样的工人. You will find these workers cutting and welding metal to repair broken metal parts. 这个职位的职位名称是修理工,工业和机械大师.
润滑机器,更换零件,并进行机器维护. 机械车间雇佣了7700多名这样的工人. 你会发现这些工人正在清洗机器和机器零件. Cleaning solvents, oily parts and metalworking fluids are a definite concern for these workers. 该职位常见的职位名称是加油员、维修员和加油员.
手动搬运物料进行一般劳动. You will find this occupation loading docks and moving materials to production areas. 这些工人中约有3400人在机械车间工作.
操作车床和车床来车削,镗孔,螺纹和成形金属. 你会发现这些工人正在更换破旧的工具, 磨钝刀具,使用磨刀机. 这个职位常见的职位名称是螺旋机操作员, 将操作符, 和车床安装人员.
操作机床生产精密零件. Job titles for this position are Gear Machinist, 机器操作员 and Maintenance Machinist.
机械师是使用机器和切削工具的工人. 这个职业对操作机器有很高的技能.
操作切割机和成型机. 大约有6%的劳动力从事这一职业. 大约有16000名这样的工人. Common Job titles for this position are CNC Machine setter, CNC machinist, and CNC Operator. 接触危险设备一直是一个问题.
Operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform machine functions on metal or plastic work pieces. 在机械车间里大约有23000名这样的工人. You will find these workers removing metalwork pieces and installing metalwork pieces. Common Job titles for this position are Brake 媒体运营商, 机器操作员, and CNC Operator.
Around 4,000 of these workers help move steel and other material across steel factories.
操作铣床或刨刨机铣,刨,槽或型材金属. 在机械车间行业,大约有2300名这样的工人. You will find these workers securing and removing and installing metal workpieces from machines. 这个职位常见的职位名称是数控机床操作员, 机器操作员, 铣床和铣削操作员.
Operate welding, soldering or brazing machines that weld, braze, or heat treat metal products. 机械车间雇佣了大约16000名员工. 你会发现这些工人在往工件上添加材料, 连接金属部件, 并对成品工件进行退火处理. 这个职位常见的职位名称是制造者, Mig焊机, 点焊机, Fitter-Welder, 钎焊操作工.
使用手工焊接, 气割, 手焊, 和钎焊设备焊接/连接金属部件, 填补, 压痕, 或金属制品的接缝. 这些工人中约有13,000人受雇于机械车间. You will find these workers welding components in flat, vertical or overhead positions. Common Job titles for this position are Maintenance Welder, Mig焊机, and Welder/Fabricator
我们知道机械师要处理很多小工具和机器. 在这个工作环境中保证安全, it truly takes an ongoing awareness and state of mind where newbb电子 is an absolute must. 如上所述, machine shop workers are responsible for transforming metal into intermediate or end products. 金属的每一次转化都面临着固有的风险和危害. newbb电子平台安全致力于保护金属工人的安全. 让我们把注意力集中在机械车间面临的危险上!
清洗、擦拭和给机器脱脂会使工人暴露在有害的化学物质中. 此外,机器和金属加工液会影响工人的手.
Keep those hands safe from cutting oils and keep your grip with Grippaz technology.
机器零件和工件会有点热! 下次接触热钻头时,你会有一些很好的热保护.
Gloves, Sleeves, 手臂警卫, and Aprons are not recommended when working around moving machines and rotary parts.
金属加工液, coolants, 切削油和钻井油通常在机器零件周围发现.
金属碎片、小金属片和毛刺遍布金属. 最好戴上美国国家标准协会的防穿刺手套.
Machine shop workers deal with sharp edges on work pieces, sharp metal chips, and cutting tools. ANSI A2到A9抗切割手套是你的答案.
了解更多关于尖锐物体的保护并不是每个用户都需要ANSI Cut A5手套. Our Featherweight cut gloves are the answer and will give you ultimate feel and sense of touch!
了解更多关于小而锋利的金属部件处理保护焊工正在处理尖锐的金属. 完美的解决方案是焊接和切割保护手套.
newbb电子平台安全生产和供应个人防护装备(newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! 我们以其广泛的产品线深度而闻名于世, glasses, 服装横跨众多行业. 我们提供的安全装备包括工业手套的总包, 安全眼镜, 防护服装, 焊接设备, 工业的靴子, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, 面盾牌, 还有更多. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全制造商和供应商超过1家,000只不同款式的手套. 以下是newbb电子平台安全是你选择newbb电子的一些原因:
newbb电子平台安全被公认为跨越六个国家的全球制造商, 拥有分销和制造设施. Our core competency and specialty is manufacturing and supplying protective gloves, glasses, 和服装. newbb电子平台安全网站上显示和提供的信息, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, highlighted hazards and safety equipment should be used only as a general reference tool and guide. The end user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any product selection for a particular application. newbb电子平台安全 makes no guarantee or warranty (expressed or implied) of our products’ performance or protection for particular applications.